Textbooks, lectures and tuition are things you probably don’t look forward to when getting ready for college or university. They’re just necessary evils of your school career. But you certainly think about the friends you’ll make, or some of the extra-curricular activities and clubs you may join. That’s the fun stuff! And if you’re a tailgating fan, you’re probably excited about attending a party or two.
If that’s the case, you might wonder how you can make the best of these events. After all, you don’t want to be a party pooper, or the dull soul that no one wants to hang out with. What you need is a foreshadowing of how these gatherings may turn out, and how you can make them memorable. You might also want to know how you can be a part of the action. That means you’ll have to know what items are needed, such as tailgate tables for games (i.e. beer pong) and the storage of food items.
There’s a lot of fun you can have at these events if you prepare ahead. For the schools that host NCAA teams, the excitement can take the stress and boredom out of class, and give you a boost of energy. With that said, don’t toss your studies completely in the background!
A New Chapter
Leaving high school and going to college or university is a major transition. It’s one you’ll remember for the rest of your life. The same can be said of your tailgating experience. You’ve probably been to a few small parties in parking lots or backyards, and you might have grown accustomed to a particular atmosphere and audience. But that changes when you hit the post-secondary scene. In fact, what you might see and hear may completely change your perspective on what tailgate events are really about!
From the Minors to the Big Leagues – What You’ll Notice When Moving From High School to College Tailgating Events:
- Much bigger crowds – Hopefully you’re not agoraphobic! There are thousands, if not tens of thousands of students frolicking on your average post-secondary campus. It’s certainly a contrast to the parties you’ve been to down the street. That also means a lot more unfamiliar faces, but that also brings the opportunity to meet new people!
- More activity and entertainment – Tailgate parties taking place on school grounds generally have bigger budgets. They also tend to have more support. As a result, you can expect to see brighter “attractions”, as well as a greater variety of activities that are not confined to tailgate tables.
- Larger setup/venue –
Have you seen those comedies and T.V. shows that take place at college and university campuses? They look huge, right? Well, if the acting and storylines are an exaggeration, you can actually believe in the setting – these schools are huge! Therefore, when you step foot on their property, you’ll no doubt find yourself in a much larger lot of land than you did for smaller tailgate functions.
Soaking It All In
If you get overwhelmed easily, the idea of attending such massive events might seem like a lot to handle. However, you don’t have to worry too much about it. There are many ways you can ease into this new setting without feeling too out of place.
Taking Things in Stride
- Attend with a friend (or a few) – The best way to adjust to the change is by heading to these events with a few friends. You won’t feel the anxiety of going alone, and there’ll be little pressure to make new acquaintances if you’re on the shy side.
- Sample before immersing yourself -
There’s no need to get involved with every activity in sight. Treat the occasion like food samplings at the grocery store. A dip or a spoonful is sufficient enough to give you a taste of a certain food. After all, why bombard yourself with something that you may not like?
Once Your Feet Get Wet…
- Attend more often and widen out - After a few visits, you’ll start to get “acclimatized” to the campus atmosphere. Don’t hesitate to make friends with new people, especially the ones you might have seen a few times.
- Get involved with the activities – If you’re really starting to “dig the scene”, then it might be worth your while to get involved. Perhaps you can speak to the organizers, so that you can set up your own tailgate tables and tents if space is available. It’s a great way to get more out of the party, and you’ll do a lot more than just walk around.
Tailgating Hotspots
Depending on where you live, you might wonder how your prospective school fares when it comes to its liveliness. It’s a good question. While you shouldn’t put partying before your studies, there are some schools that are known for their tailgating enthusiasm, and it would be nice knowing that you’re headed to one of these locations. Now it’s hard to list every campus, since there are so many of them, but you’ll find a list below of some of the country’s hotspots. Who knows – you may be attending one of these campuses already!
Some of the Best Schools for Tailgating
Do these names ring a bell? The following schools are well-known for their tailgate party scene.
- Florida State – They’re more than just sunshine and palm trees.
- Harvard - Even Ivy-Leaguers can’t resist some good old American fun.
- UCLA - Great weather and located in one of L.A’s best neighborhoods.
- United States Military Academy – Tomorrow’s military men and women know how to party.
- University of Texas – Where southern hospitality and sports fanatics intersect.
- Ohio State – Recognized for their wide choices of food, drinks and parties.
- Notre Dame – Well-known for its inviting and friendly fans.
- Penn State – Lively and loyal fans abound here.
- Louisiana State – Jambalaya – Yes, even tailgating parties in Louisiana are all about the food.
- Wisconsin - If you’re all about the occasional fix of greasy foods, stop here.
Join the Party
There will be all-nighters, exams, and a few thesis and research papers. You’ll also have to deal with deadlines and wrist-aching note taking as well. That’s why you deserve some good breaks from time to time. Tailgating events are a great way to temporarily remove yourself from the stresses of homework and post-secondary school life. With that said, make sure to strike a balance so that you don’t go overboard with the partying. Ease into the scene, and gradually introduce yourself to new people and activities. When you feel ready, bring out the tailgate tables and add your own flavor to the event. There’s a lot to experience in college and university, and tailgating can certainly be one of these things if you make the most it!
Are you looking for advice on finding the right tailgate tables? Give us a shout so we can help out!